London Bridges Engineering Group

Welcome to the LoBEG website. LoBEG was formed in the mid 80's to act in an advisory capacity to LoTAG (London Technical Advisors Group 2 Infrastructure) on any matters of bridge engineering London wide with the objective of promoting best practice within the profession. Also the exchange of information and experience of bridge engineering matters was encouraged.


LoBEG has a commission from Transport for London to manage and advise on the allocation of funding for TfL’s Bridge Assessment and Strengthening Programme. The LoBEG Package Steering Committee has developed a prioritisation system to make funding recommendations to TfL for their endorsement.


LoBEG has developed and implemented a bridge management strategy for the London boroughs which has become an integral part of each Borough’s Asset Management Plan. This includes the development of the BridgeStation Bridge Management System.


All 33 London boroughs and TfL are LoBEG members who work together to deliver major bridge projects to time and budget across London.


LoBEG also has close links with other organisations such as Transport for London (TfL), CIPFA, Department for Transport (DfT), Network Rail, London Underground, LoTAMB, Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT), Bridge Owners Forum (BOF), UK Bridges Board and Aselb.