Constitution and Rules




1.1. The body shall be known as LoBEG (derived from London Bridges Engineering Group).


2.1. Act in an advisory capacity to the London Technical Advisors Group (LoTAG - Group 2 - Infrastructure) on any matters of Bridge and Highway Structure Engineering with the objective of promoting best practice within the Engineering Community.

2.2. Respond to specific requirements from LoTAG in carrying out their role as advisor to other associations or bodies.

2.3. Promote and discuss any matter of mutual interest especially within a Highway Structures subject area.

2.4. Encourage and facilitate the exchange of information and experience of Bridge and related engineering matters.

2.5. Formulate, develop and implement a Bridge Management Strategy for the Boroughs in London which would become an integral part of each Borough’s Asset Management Plan. This includes the operation of BridgeStation Bridge Management System.

2.6. Undertake the Commission from Transport for London to manage and advise on the allocation of funding for TfL’s Bridge Assessment and Strengthening Programme for the London Boroughs. This process employs LoBEG’s Prioritisation System. This task is carried out by the LoBEG Package Steering Committee and involves funding recommendations to TfL for their endorsement and the approved funding being monitored bi-monthly and reported to TfL for allocation re-adjustment.


3.1. The Executive Committee shall carry out the overall management and control of LoBEG. The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall be the coordinator through whom LoBEG operates and to whom reference is made on all matters affecting the management and control of LoBEG.

3.2. In pursuance of such management and control, the constituent Boroughs will be divided into four areas : North West, North East, Central and South. The Chairman of each area shall be a member of the Executive Committee.

3.3. The functions of the group shall be executed by any one member or number of members organised in such a manner as may be agreed from time to time by, and under the general management and control of LoBEG.

General Membership
4.1. All 33 London boroughs are members and Transport for London (TfL) is a non-voting member.

4.2. Membership of LoBEG is extended to the Senior Bridge Engineer or equivalent of each Borough in London, authorised to act on behalf of their respective employers in matters of management, maintenance, engineering, construction, repair of Bridges and other Highway Structures.

4.3. There shall be only one representative of each Borough who shall be the named member in whom full voting rights exist. Where a Borough employs a consultant to manages it’s bridges it may be appropriate for the consultant to be the LoBEG member for that authority at a meeting. However full voting rights shall not be invested unless agreed by the area concerned.

4.4. In addition, organisations may nominate Associate Members who shall enjoy the benefits of full membership with the exception of any voting rights unless previously nominated to deputise in the case of the Members inability to attend.

4.5. No member shall hold the Chairmanship of more than one area.

4.6. The Area Chair will be elected by that Area and they will go forward to sit on the Executive Committee. Elections should take place on the Area every two years to re-select or appoint a new Area Chair.

Membership of the Executive Committee

4.7. The Executive Committee shall comprise of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Package Leader and his nominated Deputy, Secretary, Treasurer and the four Area Chairs. In addition the Executive Committee may nominate other LoBEG members to attend Executive meetings as appropriate.

LoBEG Working Parties

4.8. Various working parties operate under the general management of the Executive Committee. Membership of these groups shall be in accordance with the directions set out by the Executive Committee making regular reports.

At present the following groups are operating.:-

• Package Steering Committee
• Bridge Condition Index
• Asset Management/Asset Valuation
• Business Case/Prioritisation
• LoBEG/Network Rail & LoBEG/Network Rail/TfL
• LoBEG/London Underground
• Thames Crossing Group
• Piped Subways
• Abnormal Loads/Bridge Strikes
Membership of the Package Steering Committee
4.9. Each area of LoBEG will elect a representative to serve on the Package Steering Committee. This Committee will elect a Package leader and Deputy for a period of two years. An election will then be held for their further appointment or a change in personnel. The Package Leader and Deputy will sit on the Executive Committee.

4.10. The Package Steering Committee shall carry out the overall Management, requirements and recommendation of the Transport of London (TfL) Grant funding to all 33 members. Sector leaders will make their recommendation of the Sector Bids, and Programme to the Steering Committee. However, the final recommendations for TfL approval will be taken by the Package Leader. This process is managed through the BridgeStation Financial Management systems.


5.1. LoBEG may advise from time to time on the need for co-opting members to LoBEG committees or working parties. Such appointments shall be subject to the confirmation of the Executive Committee. Such co-option(s) shall proceed for the specific purpose(s) identified and be subject to annual renewal. Co-opted members will not be voting members of the group to which they are appointed unless allowed to do so by the Executive Committee.


6.1. The Chairman of LoBEG shall act as the Liaison Officer with LoTAG. The Chairman or a nominated deputy will attend LoTAG Meetings and present a report.


7.1. A subscription shall be payable for membership of LoBEG on an annual basis at a level determined by the Executive Committee. Accounts for the activities of LoBEG shall be produced and subject to audit on an annual basis for presentation by the Treasurer at the AGM. Any expenses incurred by the Treasurer in producing the accounts should be found from the LoBEG account.

7.2. Any uplift to the subscription will be subject to approval of the membership.

7.3. LoBEG own the intellectual property rights of BridgeStation for both the Web-based and Stand-alone versions. The annual subscription now covers the annual maintenance for all LoBEG member Boroughs. Both versions will be upgraded and improved to meet current demands and requirements.
This process will be carried out with full consultation and training for all members.
LoBEG Executive will manage this commission with an appointment of an IT service provider, (previously Camden Consultancy Service now FSW IT Solutions Limited).


8.1. Annual General Meeting
At least one meeting of the full membership of LoBEG will be convened annually at a place and time determined by the Executive Committee.

8.2. Business Meetings
The Executive Committee shall meet every two months and the Secretary will be chosen through voting or nominated. The LoBEG Executive shall record the appointment. The Secretary will record proceedings and distribute minutes to all members of the Executive Committee.
The LoBEG Chairman will make a report to each LoTAG Meeting. The Chairman will also represent LoBEG at UK Bridges Board, Bridge Owners Forum, and ADEPT Meetings or will ask a nominated deputy to attend instead.
Package Steering Committee Meetings will be held at least every other month and when demand requires and make regular reports to TfL. The Package Chair will make a report to the subsequent Executive meeting.
Area Meetings will be held every two months and would normally alternate with the Executive Meetings. Area Meetings will be minuted and copies forwarded to the Executive Committee.
8.3. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be held as required at the discretion of the Chairman of LoBEG.
8.4. Working Parties
Individual working parties shall meet at appropriate intervals according to the needs of the group.


9.1. The Secretary shall be responsible for and distributing agendas to the membership of LoBEG for the Annual General Meeting and Executive Committee Meetings. Such agendas will identify matters directly initiated or referred to them for analysis and commentary. The Secretary will also be responsible for recording the conclusions and recommendations of LoBEG.


10.1. In the event that it is necessary for motion by members, every motion or amendment which is in order shall be put to the meeting and determined by ballot or show of hands. The Chairman shall vote in the first instance and in the event of equal voting shall be given an additional casting vote.
The Chairman will declare the numbers voting for and against the motion or amendment and shall declare the result which shall be recorded.


11.1. The Elections for the Executive Committee posts of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be held every two years at the appropriate AGM. The Chairman may only remain in post for four years unless the Membership decrees otherwise.
Elections for the post of Area Chairman shall be held every two years within the membership of the appropriate LoBEG area.
Elections for the London Package Steering Committee shall be held every two years within that Committee.


12.1. The Rules and Constitution shall be subject to periodic review by the Executive Committee who will submit their proposals to an Annual General Meeting of LoBEG. The acceptance of any amended document will be decided by the vote of the membership present and will be subject to the subsequent approval of LoTAG.

12.2. This Revision to the LoBEG Constitution is dated 20 September 2017.
